September 21 - 23, 2022 in an online environment
The conference was held in an online environment, in Zoom Events, from September 21st to September 23rd, 2022.
Čop certificate winner 2021
Director at Public Libraries 2030
American Library Association
Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana
Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana
Schüler Helfen Leben (SHL) Sarajevo
National and University Library
The Miran Jarc Public Library, Novo mesto
Public library Šmarje pri Jelšah
web strategist
Tactical Tech
National Assembly Republic of Slovenia
Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
Proactivity means more than just activity. Proactivity demands from us actions in expectation of problems, demands, or changes. It means taking the initiative, accepting decisions and responsibility for them, and becoming less reliant on the everyday impact of our environment. We can, of course, decide, on the contrary, to wait for things to occur – we are then more vulnerable and subordinate to our environment. What do libraries do in this regard? How proactive are we? Do we know how to stimulate and increase the proactivity of our staff? Do we work in anticipation of environmental changes, or are we only reacting to them? In which fields did we distinguish ourselves as proactive, and what did we achieve? Do we know how to monitor or foresee changes? What challenges will we encounter in the future? These are the questions that we will be seeking answers to at this year's conference. Local and foreign professionals will be sharing their newest theoretical realizations, views, and experiences with us.
We are opening the debate of this year`s Slovenian Library Association`s Conference with a very special, very desired, and at the same time, very elusive adjective. One that is often heard, yet often missed. Even in libraries. Do we know it? The Standard Slovene Dictionary explains it as: »working, acting, stimulative and responsible according to available possibilities: proactive approach; proactive procedure; proactive activity«. Do we understand it? Proactivity. In the language consultancy of the Fran Ramovš Institute for the Slovene Language ZRC SAZU, which provides answers to questions in the field of spelling and etymology, we also find the question under this motto: » In my profession, librarianship, “proactive”, which sounds like it’s going to burst from activity at any moment. / … / What is the semantic difference between the adjectives active and proactive? To me, at first glance, “proactive” seem only an inflated insight with the desire to make the text more exquisite, in the spirit of the new (neoliberal?) times / … /«.